Send Money To Us
Steps to payment to upgrade membership – To be able to pay for an billboard listing, you will need to transfer money to us by one of the methods below (step 1). You will need to use step 2 in the top up process to inform us when you have sent the money. When the money reaches us we will add the amount to your account, and send a verification that we have received the money. You can then use it as currency in your account to pay for individual ads.
Step 1: Transfer money to us, using a bank account or paypal specified below. If in Ghana, pay the Cedi equivalent to a preferred option below.
Option 1:
Currency – Cedi Account
Bank Name: Zenith Bank
Branch: Head Office
Account Holder: Mustafa BALOGLU
Account Number: 6020145336
Please add your email address to the Depositor’s name when you make a payment at the bank
Option 2:
Mobile Money
Please text your payments to: MTN Mobile Money : 0503030303
Account Name: Mustafa BALOGLU
After your payment,
1- You may send us an email to with the email address you registered so we know you have made payment.
2- You may use Payment Form to inform us ; Go to Payment Form
Option 3:
Paypal Account will be updated:
Step 2: After you have sent money to any of our accounts above, use the Payment Form to inform us ; Go to Payment Form and tell us how much you have sent to us.
Step 3: We verify your topup in few hours, and send a confirmation email to inform you – you may then start listing new billboard adverts
Any problem? Send an email to or call 00233